Awful as I know it is, wanting things right after Christmas, I do. If it makes you feel better (it makes me feel a bit better), these are things I wanted for Christmas but couldn't/didn't get.
1. Jodphurs. Recently I saw a bunch in a vintage shop and decided to try some on for the hell of it. Now I can't stop thinking about them. Possibly due to Coury.
2. Knitted waistcoat. I'm going to ask my grandma if she can knit one for me. I don't know why I really want one; I don't remember seeing an inspiring photograph of anyone wearing one, which is where many of my obsessions come from...
3. Metal cuff. I can and do make a lot of jewellery but unfortunately what I can't do is mould or carve solid or sheet metal, wood etc. I saw some beautiful handmade metal cuffs at the Christmas markets, but held off on getting one. I regret it.
4. Full length wide leg floaty trousers/culottes. Because I love my cullottes and my maxi skirt and I would love to combine them. The Topshop website seems to have a nice collection but I need to try them on.
5. Skull/bones/claws/teeth/rock jewellery. As soon as I get some time to look some up.
6. Patterned leggings. Because I get bored with plainess.
7. Knitted leggings. Ditto.
8. RED Leather leggings/trousers. Isabel Marant inspiration + H&M. Sandra has them. Enough said.
9. Hair dye. Buuut the 'rents won't let me.
Hope this posts, I'm still not too good with the whole future post queue thing... :)
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Home is wherever I'm with you
^ Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros
When I don't know what to wear I go for my staples: a shirt, a short skirt, tights and a cool jacket. And that's not my tree at the edge, it's C's.
So, shirt from H&M, skirt from USA Pro, tights and jacket from Miss Selfridge, wolf rings from Topman and Topshop. Definately buying mens' jewellery from now on.
I got this jacket for Christmas (I picked it out - my parents don't have that good a taste) and I loooove it. It makes me feel like a cross between a Pink Lady from Grease and Cat from 10 Things I Hate About You. Don't ask... just appreciate it's beautiful red (fake) leathery-ness.
Isn't this just the most beautiful bag ever? The grey bag that I always use broke beyond repair a few weeks ago and I decided for my new Magic Bag I wanted a brown leather satchel, then I found the perfect one at the Christmas markets. Shame I had to wait until Christmas to receive it, but at least I have it now.
Yeah, I like not wearing shoes. And I don't like shoes inside so when it gets warmer, you'll see more shoes.
Just to show you that pictures often don't work out as planned:
Not my fault. K was making me laugh. Photos taken by C by the way (thank youuuu, I know I'm a perfectionist). :)
When I don't know what to wear I go for my staples: a shirt, a short skirt, tights and a cool jacket. And that's not my tree at the edge, it's C's.
Just to show you that pictures often don't work out as planned:
Monday, 27 December 2010
Should have gone to Berkley
Anyway, this a top I got for Christmas that my dad got while he was in NY. C loves tiedye at the moment and I have to admit, it's getting to me too. I feel like such a flower child wearing it. I really wanted to wear it with jodphurs but I don't have any and these green jeggings from Topshop are the closest I have, worn with braces from a random shop. I've resolved to get some jodphurs ASAP - they're a cross between leggings and trousers in wierd colours with knee patches; what's not to love? On a related note, I can't believe I only have one pair of patterned leggings! This needs to be rectified immediately. :)
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Arty farty
While we were in London we went to the National Gallery and to the Tate Modern. Here are some of my favourite pieces there (of the ones we were allowed to photograph). Sadly, I don't have the artists/titles of some of them but if you know them, tell me!

Sunflower Seeds by Ai Weiwei. I wish the public hadn't been stopped from interacting with them. Stupid health and safety.

Forgotten Horizon by Salvador Dali.

Mehr Licht by Juliao Sarmento.
Forget Me by Juliao Sarmento.
Emma (10) by Juliao Sarmento.
Film Star by John Latham.
Helmet Head No.1 by Henry Moore.
Silo by James Rosenquist.

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Ps. Thank you to my new follower! It really makes my day when I read a lovely comment or see that someone has taken an interest in this blog and decided to follow it. :)
Friday, 24 December 2010
Absolute Beginners
^ David Bowie. Possibly the cutest song ever. ;D
My house is unseasonably warm which is great because it means wear something totally unsuitable for the weather and be fine.

Sorry about the repetetiveness of the photos but I couldn't decide which ones I liked best and only having two or three was upsetting. I'm wearing a tshirt my dad got me from Australia (inside-out and possibly back-to-front too), H&M skirt, random rings and random ribbons. I don't think you can see them too well but there's a black one in my hair and a red velvet one around my neck. I love ribbons. Ahaha, I'm so happy. Which I know is really annoying but oh well. :)
Ps. Thank you to my new follower :))
My house is unseasonably warm which is great because it means wear something totally unsuitable for the weather and be fine.

Sorry about the repetetiveness of the photos but I couldn't decide which ones I liked best and only having two or three was upsetting. I'm wearing a tshirt my dad got me from Australia (inside-out and possibly back-to-front too), H&M skirt, random rings and random ribbons. I don't think you can see them too well but there's a black one in my hair and a red velvet one around my neck. I love ribbons. Ahaha, I'm so happy. Which I know is really annoying but oh well. :)
Ps. Thank you to my new follower :))
Quality Time
^Dave Frishberg
I have an actual excuse for not posting - I've been in London for the past few days. With internet access, but have you ever tried getting photos off a camera without the cable, editing them without editing programs, then blogging from the nearest relative's internet phone? Yeah, it doesn't work so well. I love my computer.
Left: peach-rasberry-tan jacket from Zara, mom's old red shirt, dark brown abercrombie sweater, necklace from Claire's and brooch from Topshop. I never got a photo of me wearing this but I loved the colours.
My cousin J's jumper from Primark, don't know where the owl is from but it's so cuute. Still obsessed with birds, FYI.
J's DM's.
And me in a DM shop. I found some amazing boots (below) but I doubt I'll be getting them for Christmas. Wearing shirt from Topshop, skirt from H&M, scarf from India from R for Christmas, necklace from Miss Selfridge (close-up below), brown tights and my old battered DM's.

J by the window. There's more snow at home than in London, ha!
Bangles are a Christmas gift and leather bracelet is from Brazil.
Narnia. I love this lampost in the middle of the garden. It's been there for at least 50 years.

Necklace a gift from C with added fabric book that I made, waistcoat from Wallis and dress from Miss Selfridge.
At my dad's and aunt's favourite cake shop from when they were little.
Hope you all have a lovely Christmas (and Christmas Eve today) and if you don't celebrate it, have a lovely 25th of December. :)
I have an actual excuse for not posting - I've been in London for the past few days. With internet access, but have you ever tried getting photos off a camera without the cable, editing them without editing programs, then blogging from the nearest relative's internet phone? Yeah, it doesn't work so well. I love my computer.

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas (and Christmas Eve today) and if you don't celebrate it, have a lovely 25th of December. :)
Sunday, 19 December 2010
So here it is

Wearing a dress from Topshop, lace blouse from the Clothes Show Live last year and socks from Topshop. And in the top picture, some random (but actually very nice - they look like snow) brown and white tights, coat from Miss Selfridge and DM's. We have snow again, wooop. :)

Ps. Will reply to comments and yada later. I need to catch up on reading so many blogs!!
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