"Nasi lemak" is coconut rice. Easily the most useful Malay phrase I learnt and basically the only thing I needed. :)
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
"Nasi lemak please"
"Nasi lemak" is coconut rice. Easily the most useful Malay phrase I learnt and basically the only thing I needed. :)
Sunday, 29 July 2012
As you may or may not know, I'm an avid reader of Rookie, the fabby site set up by Tavi. Over the past month Tavi and some of the other Rookie staff have been on a #rookieroadtrip around America hanging out with readers and since they couldn't/didn't come to England and I couldn't go to America, we had a mini meet up in Manchester (because I was away for the bigger London one, grr). We ate unhealthy snacks, made friendship bracelets and collages, read Nazi army fanfiction (don't even ask) and obsessed over Benedict Cumberbatch. Time very well spent. :)
Friday, 27 July 2012
The Far East lookbook
mother's playsuit from Kenya
H&M cardigan
old belt
Primark sandals
bag from a market in Melaka
Asos hat
old top
M&S shorts
UO sunglasses
River Island playsuit+belt
Sekonda watch
mom's top
self-made shorts
gifted glasses
A few of my tour looks. I was concentrating on having fun so both I and you will have to wait for pictures of all the beautiful garments I took away with me/bought there. The glasses in the last picture were given to me by the teachers as a prize for being the person that wore their sunglasses at the most innapropriate times. Vampires have to protect their eyes yano, even on planes. :)
Ps. I'm not really sure why I appear to be sporting a combover in the first picture...
Ps. I'm not really sure why I appear to be sporting a combover in the first picture...
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Surrealistic Pillow
^ Jefferson Airplane

Casually running into the White Rabbit during my favourite summer activity, skanking about the city. Also how much does this cloth bag remind you of the Jil Sander plastic bags? So much, but less fashion-elitist, it was free and it has an elephant bitchez. :)
tshirt with chopped sleeves from Malaysia
H&M skirt
clutch bag from Australia
carrier bag from Singapore
UO sunglasses
ring from Malaysia
earrings and bracelet from Manchester Christmas markets
Underground creepers
Casually running into the White Rabbit during my favourite summer activity, skanking about the city. Also how much does this cloth bag remind you of the Jil Sander plastic bags? So much, but less fashion-elitist, it was free and it has an elephant bitchez. :)
Monday, 23 July 2012
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Selamat Datang
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Sunday, 15 July 2012
gifted nail stickers
Topshop jeans
self-pimped jacket
River Island top
This photo was actually taken ages ago at Jodrell Bank Observatory, hence my wearings the star printed jeans, not that you can tell either from this photo. Horrific rain prevented me taking more photos but rest assured that one day soon I shall return and do a shoot with the big white dishes in. :)
Thursday, 12 July 2012
So I'm in the far east at the moment on a hockey and netball tour and I'm lovinnnn it. Here are some pictures from Singapore, a beautiful and perfectly ordered city. I mean perfect. Practically evidence for a god that designed the world. Laptop time is limited so posts may be scarce for the next week or so. :)
Monday, 9 July 2012
Cross me
mother's jeans cut up and self-pimped
mother's top and self-made necklace
father's sweater
gifted necklace
self-made brooch (inspired by this Rookie tutorial)
Random photos on a theme of crosses. It used to annoy me that crosses are a Christian symbol because I really like their shape but disliked the religious connotations. Worse were the hipster-slash-satanic connotations of upside down crosses. Now I've decided I'm going to enjoy crosses (including in Virgin Suicides and hyper-Catholic Romeo+Juliet ways), but equally pleasing shapes include ankhs and the female symbol (does it have a proper name?). :)
Friday, 6 July 2012
traditional costume for a folk dance from the state of Orissa
my traditional Bharatanatyam costume and stage jewellery
I've been dancing Bharatanatyam, an Indian classical dance, and a variety of other Indian dance styles for about 9 years now. Tomorrow morning I'm doing my grade 4 exam then going straight to the airport for a very long flight! :)
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Turns me to gold in the sunlight
^ Florence + The Machine

Jesus-like poses in the sunlight to dispel my father's question about whether I was dressed as a goth. In a bright yellow top, honestly. I got a lot of comments and felt like a hipster bat. Score. :)
top from Van Gogh museum
H&M leather pants (accidentally ripped)
chinese kimono thing from a shop in chinatown
underground creepers
Jesus-like poses in the sunlight to dispel my father's question about whether I was dressed as a goth. In a bright yellow top, honestly. I got a lot of comments and felt like a hipster bat. Score. :)
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