I do love taking pictures while dressed wierd in the middle of a kiddie playground.

Let me explain. My friend J was taking pictures of me, C (who's in the photo with me) and H for her graphics project. Part of it was the 7 deadly sins and I was Wrath. I was also dressed in a newspaper dress and fishnets (the coat is covering that up since the dress was tiiiiny) for 'fashion is rubbish'. Not quite sure how that fits in..

Me as Wrath. Wearing J's dress, a garter with a mini gun and holster from Amazon that I got for a 20's themed party (C's actually), heels from Primark and facepaint for make-up.

Me for 'fashion is rubbish'. I took the oppurtunity of 'rubbishness' to do some really bad dance moves, but I quite like the second one. It reminds me of my favourite part of Gaga's Alejandro video (picture below). Actually, the first pose is Gaga inspired too.

I couldn't find a picture of the same move, it was hard enough finding this one (from Google).

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