Had a picnic in the park with some of the girls.

(Me and L) I'm a cool kid, right? Those aren't my sunglasses - I didn't even know I had them on. Must have randomly stolen them from my friend E and put them on.

In my defence, I had just been on three very spinny things in a row.

Wearing a tshirt my dad got me from Ozland (Australia in my speak), skirt that I have had since I was like 8, mom's belt, mom's leopard cardi from Wet Seal, leopard flats from an unknown shop and a sruchie made by my grandma as a bracelet.

I have more pictures but they're on my dad's laptop so I'll put them up later, when I have them.
Went to Alton Towers, a theme park, with this lot (top: S, R, bottom: C, me, A).

This was like the only photo where everyone was smiling (and not soaked to the skin), even though R and S at the top can hardly be seen.

Pretty good skillz if I say so myself. (Yeah, I took it.)

Happy as we look here, we did actually have fun. This was our 'house' on the train.

Wearing a blouse of my mom's, my favourite and really old skinnys from Topshop, leopard print scarf that I've had for years and years and jacket of my mother's. And at one point, A's leather jacket because the water rides soaked me to the skin.

I admit it - I'm obsessed with leopard print. Especially with bright red or pink. Actually, just berry shades with tan shades. :)
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