Yesterday my dad and I did this

from here

to here

to here

We went on a day trip to Yorkshire to visit a couple of beaches because my dad wanted to fossil hunt, and I wanted to go to a moody English beach to take some videos (which I hope to learn how to edit). Although we never actually got to the second beach because our instructions were wrong, I had a lovely time at the first and walking somewhere near the second.

Wearing an old tshirt of my dad's with a turtle on it (I love turtles). He was on the verge of throwing it out when I rescued it from the bag that was seconds away from being recycled. Also, DIY shorts my mom made from her old jeans, my mom's old sweater which I love except it's too small in the sleeves and the holes mean it's not very warm so I'm on the lookout for a new cream cardi, scarf from Accessorize, scrunchie my grandma made, swallow brooch from Primark, friendship bracelet from Sri Lanka, leather and metal bracelet from Brazil and blue nail polish from also from Brasil. And a backpack by Roxy.

Saw this little ladybug on a stile, how cute. Don't know why he turned out orange rather than red though. :)

Love Yours backpack!