Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Inspiration - Secrets

Wow, I can be awful at getting round to posting. It's because I'm in a very creative mood but I have so much work it is kind of unbelievable.

I'm obsessed with dark, magical, dusty, desert-y, navajo, circus/fairground-y things. Like the last season of Heroes (much love, so sad it's over).

And here are some cool things I'm trying out for art.

Yeah that was a CD, now it's a zapped CD. Thank you, microwave.

Smashed up glass and glued it together. In love.

Outfit post in the next two days, promise. :)


  1. really nice collection of images, some of them do have a cool dark edge. i really like the cat with the glittery eyes and the goldfish in the teacup! x

  2. nice pictures, somehow mysterious, but interesting.

  3. The pictures are great, but I really love what you did with the cd and the glass - I've never seen anyone do something like that before and it is very cool! Great idea :)


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