Friday, 4 March 2011


I felt unsually girly today so decided to take full advantage and dress like a ballerina/princess/fairytale. Hence the white overload. And photo overload (apologies).

Top, earrings and stag head ring from Topshop; skirt from New Look; belt from H&M; boots from Zara; gifted bangles and bird ring; wooden bracelet (accidently) stolen from A; Primark headband and random lace ribbon and fishbone bead.

It's kinda freezing, but.. all herald the arrival of spring! When I was little I used to plant daffodils every year and water them eagerly until they first poked their heads above the ground. As I grew up, I graduated to snowdrops, crocuses and eventually tulips. My family doesn't really garden anymore but I still love seeing the first spring flowers at the bottom of the garden. :)

Ps. Thank you to my new followersss! :)

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty! Love the stripes, the skirt and the flower crown!


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