Monday, 4 April 2011

Teenage comb-over

Wearing a H&M skirt, River Island vest, mom's old jacket, Topshop socks, DMs, childhood clip (I have an elephant one too - how cool!) and self-made necklace but you can't see it.

Feeling old school British again but this time more 50's and a cross between polished and rebellious and most definately inspired by Panda. I did try create a curled over fringe but failed quite miserably (although I'm sure I'll manage it one day soon completely by accident) so went for what my dad called a "teenage comb-over". It's amazing how by changing just my hair style and wearing a bright lipstick I look completely different - I swear I almost didn't recognise myself in the mirror. I'm now on a mission to change my hair a tad more permanently: I want to ombré the ends somehow and also get a full fringe. Here's to constant re-invention. :)

Ps. I'd never even considered going red. That is, until messing around editing and accidentally producing this. I like it. A lot.

Ps. Sorry about the repetetiveness of the poses in some of the pictures. I'm not good at deciding which ones are the best so what the heck, I post them all.

1 comment:

  1. I love.

    ps: the red one is cool
    pps: purple docs are cool


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