My "outfits" change throughout the day as I discover I can't write while wearing certain pieces of jewellery, change temperature then add or remove layers as appropriate and redo my hair as according to convenience etc.

This particular look was pretty much unplanned and I wasn't planning to take pictures as it was purely for comfort and revision purposes. But bits got added and I realised I rather liked it, and felt like a rockstar with ma leather jacket, leopard print and hat. The best part of it is by far the hat. I intend to extend my hat repetoire.
Wearing a Miss Selfridge jacket, dad's Hawaiian top. Topshop leggings, H&M necklace, old bag and L's hat which I "borrowed". :)
Ps. Photos by L who said she's now going to be "the one that follows you around with a camera taking cool pictures" haha.
Pps. Thank you very much to my new follower! :)
what an awesome jacket! you look like keira knightley! =)