Miss Selfridge dress
Asos printed bomber jacket
feather tiara made by me
I wore this outfit several weeks ago and I don't remember, but I must have been in a crazy psychadelic mood because maaaan so many florals. I am very very picky about floral prints and usually dislike them, but there's something about the daisy print on this dress that I like, and I could not pass up on the hyper-colour wackiness of this jacket when my mom offered it to me. And it matches so well with this neon feather tiara I made three years ago! I'd forgotten all about it but I just pulled it out from the depths of a drawer, and I think I'm going to redo it a little then wear it all summer! :)
Ur these pictures are amazing!! Love your headdress, so beautiful. I lusted after that jacket for quite some time, it's truly lovely. Your blog is gorge XXX