Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Asos blouse/jacket, self-made triangle ring, mom's necklace, Zara skirt, pointy ring from Affleck's. There is a very long and slightly strange story about why each nail is the colour it is but I will condense it: boredom, crappy remover and tipex. I think next week I'll go neon orange à la Sandra.

And on the subject of orange: show make-up - the most orange my skin ever becomes.

I'm going on a camping trip tomorow so no posting until Monday or Sunday if I can be bothered. It's my birthday on Friday as well, and I'll be spending it hiking around smelly fields. FML. :)


  1. i love that picture at the bottom of you! its so beautiful! and that ring, i've wanted one of those for ages! love your blog!

  2. Love the jewelry and the orange nail polish!


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